Writer’s Diary #50: Become a Writer

Writing is a craft; it takes practice. The evocative power of ethnography to convey understanding requires careful attention to words. Words matter. Notes, fragments and jottings are the opening gambit of anthropology. They give energy to anthropologists’ writing and give us subjects to write about. We often begin with stories, fragments, and ethnographic shorts. These are the building blocks of an anthropological enterprise. But, to write them, requires reflecting on the writing process. So, why not experiment. Play. See what works. Read to. Keep reading. Write about what you read. Publish before you are ready. Write more. Rinse. Repeat. Write is a practice.

Writing as a practice needs to be decolonised. Words are often a black box that undergraduates and graduate students and professors aren’t really taught how to do.

As students, we engage with finished pieces and rarely see the messiness of the writing process. Writing is messy. It’s so so messy. Write. Cut. Revise. Reorder. Move. Writing is done on the page. But, the work can be creative and playful. It need not be a slog. It can be a place to experiment. So, play. Play with with free writing, play with genres, write essays, research notes, book reviews, articles, blog posts, social media posts. Experiment with writing short. Play with writing long. Write to think. Experiment with collaborative and group writing. Experiment in the classroom. See what works. See what doesn’t. Failure is fine. Try again.

What I am trying say is separate the writing from the anxieties and emotions of academic work. Ideas are important, sure. But, for me, they always emerge, truly, on the page. It’s on the page where I can make them do wonders. Where I can test them out. Feel them. Taste them. Let the words sing.

As Chilean Poet Pablo Neruda wrote in his memoir:

… You can say anything you want, yessir, but it’s the words that sing, they soar and descend … I bow to them … I love them, I cling to them, I run them down, I bite into them, I melt them down… I love words so much… The unexpected ones… The ones I wait for greedily or stalk until, suddenly, they drop… Vowels I love… They glitter like colored stones, they leap like silver fish, they are foam, thread, metal, dew… I run after certain words … They are so beautiful that I want to fit them all into my poem … I catch them in mid-flight, as they buzz past, I trap them, clean them, peel them, I set myself in front of the dish, they have a crystalline texture to me, vibrant, ivory, vegetable, oily, like fruit, like algae, like agates, like olives… And then I stir them, I shake them, I drink them, I gulp them down, I mash them, I garnish them, I let them go… I leave them in my poem like stalactites, like slivers of polished wood, like coals, pickings from a shipwreck, gifts from the waves… Everything exists in the word… An idea goes through a complete change because one word shifted its place, or because another settled down like a spoiled little thing inside a phrase that was not expecting her but obeys her… They have shadow, transparence, weight, feathers, hair, and everything they gathered from so much rolling down the river, from so much wandering from country to country, from being roots so long … They are very ancient and very new… They live in the bier, hidden away, and in the budding flower …
— Pablo Neruda, “The Word,” in Memoirs. Penguin Books, 1978, p. 53.

Ideas that are unwritten cannot be made external, or thought about, or tested, or changed, or made to sing. Instead, they remain amorphous. Always a potential. Write them, reflect on them, rework them. Revise. Writing is fun. As fun, revising.

Don’t say, “What am I going to write about today?” Instead, go back. Ask “What have I already written about?

Try this exercise. Make a slip box. Put int it a collection of notes and essays and pieces of text you’ve already worked on.

Your task?

Engage with what you’ve already prepared. Reread it. Recycle. Work like British Marxiust Eric Hobsbawn did. Develop a willingness to go back into the well of ideas that are yours and rework them. Revise them into new forms. Test them in public. Write lectures, op-eds, letters, articles, book chapters, and books from each other.

Writing becomes a task of preparing for publication, rather than starting carte blanche.

The trick? Not to draft or write every day, but to prepare for publication. Preparing for publication short pieces, long pieces. Book reviews, articles, essays. It’s not the biggest and most complicated piece; it would be small pieces. What’s the smallest piece you could work on? Start with that.

Start with the words. See what comes from them.

I am working on a book that revisits particular moments from Colombia and which, for now, is also about writing. I say for now, because I keep changing the book. At times it’s both. At times, it’s neither.

But, its building blocks are ethnographic shorts. These are moments that let me build stories and place them stories in a wider context and makes more general claims. My method is inductive, relying on detailed description through elaboration and explanation, trying to make the particular speak to the universal. I boil moments down to their essence, return to field notes to expand and explain, develop one moment and link it to the next, supplement my accounts with others reports–newspapers and archives and videos and research. Decide what to focus on and whose voices to hear.

The words matter too, though. Play them.
Punctuate dialogue, consider verb choice, and revise for active voice unless passive voice is preferred. The words matter. I use transitive verbs to drive description and animate the inanimate. Strive for clarity. Write then rewrite to assemble moments and analysis. Consider exposition, character, scenes, narrative voice, point of view, time and rhythm. I move around, change perspectives, take different approaches and revisit the same theme from different directions. I remove myself from the action or take someone else’s point of view. I adopt an omniscient perspective and choose my approach.

Each is an ethnographic choice, a way of writing to describe and make sense of moments. The raw material for this slip box is the field notes, written on the laptop or in one of the journals or notebooks, as the beginning of a long, slow, sustained process of my becoming a writer.

As a graduate student, in the field, in the Chocó, when there was electricity–carried by an unreliable power line through the jungle and across at least two rivers—I filled a database on my computer with field notes. When there was no electricity because of storms, rain and fallen branches, I wrote longhand with a pen and the light of a candle. Writing the notes was part of my learning to write. The book I am working on reflects on that learning because I am convinced that the evocative power of ethnography to give understanding requires careful attention to words.

Writing requires thinking, but it also requires playing, experimenting, and refining different techniques and processes to discover effective ways of communicating.

Writer’s Diary #49: Digital Workshops

At its best, my computer is not a distraction, but a place to work—a digital workshop. A text workshop, not so different from a carpenter’s workshop with its wood, chisels, drafting tables, power tools, planers, band saws, and jigsaws. In my digital workshop, many things are at hand.

Partly, I mean the storage—the hard drives and flash drives where I keep field notes, first drafts, projects in progress, publications, finished notes, video, film, maps, and photographs. Some of it comes from the computers, laptops, and iDevices I have used over the years: the tablets and readers. Much of it is the detritus accumulated over two decades as a student and then as an academic, stored in various folders. Mostly, I mean the tools. The tools of the word processors, screenwriting apps, mind-mapping apps, search tools, bibliographic managers, and search engines.

One of my favorite pieces of software is Eastgate System’s Tinderbox, which is, in many ways, a digital equivalent of an analogue notebook and a carpenter’s workshop and much more besides.

It’s a digital tool, and a place to work with text and to do things that were impossible before the digital age. To write, link, make maps, collect, edit, cut up, revise, reorder, outline, search, and much more. Mark Bernstein, the lead developer at Eastgate Systems, has offered regular updates for decades.

Tinderbox is a Swiss Army knife for notes, providing a single interface that suits the way I work.

It also has a powerful set of programming and automation tools that allow me to work with notes.

I think of it, the same way John McPhee thinks of his tools.

John McPhee, one of the most prolific writers of long-form creative non-fiction, has an article in The New Yorker about his writing process, which became part of his book Draft No. 4. McPhee tells the story of lying on a picnic table with all his notes, research, interviews, and everything else in manila envelopes, but he’s distraught because he didn’t know the structure. He says this is no way to write.

I agree with him, and indeed, structure is the hard part.

McPhee used to use analogue tools to find structure. But by the 1980s, he adopted a computer—specifically a dedicated word processor. Kedit, short for the Mansfield, Massachusetts-based company KEDIT, was a full-screen text editor. McPhee describes how he moved chunks of text around using custom-built text macros to code, split up, and bring back together text. It’s something I’ve duplicated for my own work.

For me, Tinderbox is my computer. A lot of writing is rewriting and revising, linking and connecting, making connections, and undertaking an archaeology of your own ideas and notes. Tinderbox is, for me, a powerful tool for that.

It’s the heart of my digital workshop.

Still, at times the computer is a place of distraction. There are times when I sit down with nothing but a pen and write longhand for an hour to see what comes out.

Writer’s DIary #48: Writing is also thinking about writing

What did I do today?

I went for a walk, thought about the Makeshift book, and listened to the Unpublished podcast. When I wrote my first book, I listened to various podcasts on writing, but I had stopped for a few years. Today, I listened to an interview with Devon Price. It was really good.

While Price quoted from Paul J. Silvia’s How to Write a Lot, their advice was more generally about deconstructing the Protestant work ethic. So, I liked it. All of this, of course, was relevant both to the book and to the process of writing it.

While this wasn’t really the day’s writing I had planned, the idea of sitting down to write at seven o’clock at night just seems exhausting to my 42-year-old self in a way it perhaps didn’t to my 32-year-old self. A walk with the dog and the moon and a podcast, much more doable.

So, I’m going to call this a win—not a word written today. And it was glorious. Tomorrow, I’ll do a couple of hours before reading for class. Gently, but not rushed.

Writer’s Diary #47: Reading

On the principle that I should write only when I feel like it, I didn’t think I would write today. Too much family, too many mini-crises of my own and others’ making, and too much sludge work to do. But, I was re-reading Friction for class. It’s so good, and the opening gave me some inspiration. I’m sure I’ll revise it a lot, but it’s the start of an idea.

Reading is central to writing.

I knew that, you did to. But, sometimes we forget.

Writer’s Diary #46: Structur.py

Today, I worked on coding a section for the introduction to Makeshift. It was about 3,000 words, very disorganized, repetitive, and in need of cutting and more focus.

I followed the process John McPhee described in Draft No. 4:

Structur exploded my notes. It read the codes by which each note was given a destination or destinations (including the dustbin). It created and named as many new Kedit files as there were codes, and, of course, it preserved intact the original set. In my first I.B.M. computer, Structur took about four minutes to sift and separate fifty thousand words. My first computer cost five thousand dollars. I called it a five-thousand-dollar pair of scissors (John McPhee, Draft No. 4, “Chapter Structure”).

I wrote a script six months ago that extracts coded text from a folder of text files.

I’ve been using the script for months now. It splits a text file into small chunks, based on codes I added. It’s almost a manual process—not too much thought. I coded 3,000 words, split them into 10 files, put them in order, and started revising them. Much easier.

When I ran out of steam, I posted structur.py to GitHub. It’s the first script I’ve ever posted publicly. Perhaps someone will find it useful.


Structur is a simple, Python-based command-line tool to help extract and organize coded text from research notes.

I’ve been using it for a year now, from the Finder. It’s useful to find the structure of longer pieces of text.

I was inspired by John McPhee’s writing process, which he describes in Draft No. 4.

Structur exploded my notes. It read the codes by which each note was given a destination or destinations (including the dustbin). It created and named as many new Kedit files as there were codes, and, of course, it preserved intact the original set. In my first I.B.M. computer, Structur took about four minutes to sift and separate fifty thousand words. My first computer cost five thousand dollars. I called it a five-thousand-dollar pair of scissors.

Structur is my take on what McPhee describes.

It is available on GitHub.

Cite as:

Tubb, Daniel. Structur.py. GitHub, 2024. https://github.com/dtubb/structur.

Writer’s Diary #45: Writing on the Weekend

An update on progress today. First, it’s Saturday. It took some effort to get started. Weekend. But as soon as I got going, it’s been steady. Nice. Moving around the document in a bit of a flow state. Picking away at different pieces, listening to Belle and Sebastian. Why write on the weekend? Why not take a break? I know where I am going, and I am not willing to give up the momentum every week.

What did I do? I picked away at the front matter. I adjusted the title and edited a blurb (371 words). Mostly, I edited a piece on makeshift (571 words). Then, I stuck into some notes riffing for the next section, on the epigraph I want to use from Pablo Neruda, which unexpectedly is a way to get into writing about the Orkney Islands, where I was first exposed to Latin America.

This will allow me to get into a bit of an autobiography that I wrote years ago about how I ended up working in Colombia. However, it’s 3,000 words and ought to be about 1,000.

I’m not sure digressing to Scotland and autobiography makes sense, but I read somewhere “Don’t be afraid to digress.”

But, since the book is about tools and a tool we all use to write is a computer, getting to Scotland for a little will let me spend time on my first computer, and learning how to write. It would beep at every spelling error, and had a wonderful pixelated font, not unlike the one I am writing on now.

Writer’s Diary #44: Departure Mono

For the last few weeks, I’ve been drafting in Tinderbox my book Makeshift using the fantastic Departure Mono font. It is a monospaced pixel font, reminiscent of the fonts I used to learn to type on in the 1990s command-line interfaces and that graphical user interface of the Atari ST, which I learned to write on. It’s a glorious, free font. Kudos to its creator Helena Zhang.

Writer’s Diary #43: Tinderbox 10 and the Guadi View

I’m a long time user of Tinderbox from Eastgate Systems. A Mac app, that is a Swiss Army knife for notes.

This summer, once again, I’m working on the book. I have hundreds (or more) of pages of notes. Now is a good time to find some order in my madness. For that, I really like Tinderbox’s brand new Gaudi view.

The Tinderbox Gaudí View — the first novel hypertext view in years — tessellates the idea plane to keep more notes in sight. Tinderbox continuously adapts the shape and placement of each note to give each a fair share of the available space, while avoiding unwanted distraction. Gaudí view is especially good for brainstorming and conferences!

It is great for brainstorming, for bringing notes that are related together by dragging them while the other notes slide smoothly out of the way, and for lingering and attending and playing with and getting a feel for the notes.

The thousands of new badges, via SF Symbols, are just really nice to have as well.

For example, this is a sample of the outline of the book.

Screen Shot of Gaudi View

Update July 22 at 1:50 pm.

I learn from Mark Anderson’s wonderful TBRef that with a force expression in the Guadi view control at the top, it’s easy to get related notes to come together.


Notes with related tags, are drawn together. Super useful.
Guadi View, organized with like minded notes brought together.