Multi-Column Text Editor on Mac?

I’m working on a piece of writing today. I often write in markup, and enjoy the multi-column view of Markup 2. But, editing in multi-column view is a different story. The Mac has excellent apps to work with text. I use Highland 2, BBedit, and Tinderbox. Each brilliant, in their own way. None of them support multi-column editing.

Do any apps on the Mac?

It is possible to create a Word file that does this. (e.g. Make a custom page size to fit your screen, adjust the margins, add columns, adjust the font, etc.) It is far from elegant, however. You have to do it again, for each file.

Multicolumn text editor.

multicolumn text editing.docx

With so many full screen Mac and iOS text editors that work with markdown, do none of them support editing text in a multi-column mode?

If so, send me an email. If not, and you write one, I’d love test it.